Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Hallowe'en Pt. 2

"Boo Who?" You ask? All you need to know is contained within the ancient texts of WIKIPEDIA!!!

"Halloween originated as a Pagan festival among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain with Irish, Scots, Welsh and other immigrants transporting versions of the tradition to North America in the 19th century..."

Dont forget to "seize the night" tonight

Who said you cant find anything good on myspace?

Monday, October 30, 2006


Its that time of year and Halloween has snuck up on us again. Time to celebrate, eat poison apples and run a muck. Heres something to inspire some madness.

He Who Can Not Be Named


There goes the Neighborhood

When I showed up to work this morning I notcied some activity in the vacant building near us. Some people have moved in over night and plan on opening tommorow. Thats correct it only took them two days to open. Did I mention its called DREAM BLADES and it is Richmond largest(also only) sword dealer. Featuring a large selection of swords and other battle gear. Hospitality x Sword collaboration in the future?

Sunday, October 29, 2006


It appears that Richmond only has two seasons now, hot and humid or cold and windy. The cold and windy season has officially set in and if you need a coat, we got coats.


Saturday, October 28, 2006


"Where am I?"
"In the Village"
"What do you want?"
"Whose side are you on?"
"That would be telling...We want In4mation. In4mation! IN4MATION!"
"You wont get it"
"By hook or crook we will"
"Who are you?"
"The new number 2"
"Who is Number 1?"
"You are number 6"
"I am not a number--I am a free man!!"

Friday, October 27, 2006


Yall Know about Shut. If you dont you need to. Classics. Before the mammoth company known as Zoo York took over the world and started sponsoring Surfers and movie stars. There was a small company that ruled New York known as Shut. Their now back and releasing some of their best graphics. Shapes are crazy graphics are even better. Ghost Ride the Whip.
Since in the last post mentions our location in relation to our neighbors just thought we would post up some visuals to help pinpoint our location.

Tokyo Market is our next door neighbor

...And were right across the street from Coppolas deli

Good Luck!
Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to our first Blog as a fully functional shopping institution. First on the agenda, Address and Directions.

You can find us at 2820-A West Cary Street Richmond Va. We dont have a sign up as of yet but were right next to Tokyo market, which you should also check out. A few weeks ago on the 5th we had a grand opening party. Drew and I both were running around taking pictures but we narrowed it down to a few of the best. Thanks to everyone who came out.